Hi Bise !
Oh I just have to share.... Alexandra counted to 5 all by herself yesterday! She usually tries to count along with Hi-5 - who she affectionately calls "hi Bise'. But yesterday, totally unprompted she counted to 5 :)I was asking her old she was and even though she holds up one finger she answers '2' because I always say '1' first. Then she went on to say 'one, too, fee, forrr, bise'. Rick and I were so shocked, we just turned to look at each other then showered her with praise.Now of course she can't stop and counts herself in before starting to sing! LOL "one, too, fee, forr, bise.... I'll be therreeeeee.........."
Circles, circles everywhere....
Alexandra loves circles! She can't stop drawing them! hehehe Ever since she was about 10 or 11 months old she could hold a pencil or crayon properly in both hands (yet another thing she learnt by watching her sister). Lately she has mastered circles and she will sit for ages with her magna doodle or books and just draw. Last night, she spent over half an hour filling every spare space in a Wiggles book with circles! When she was done she went back to the start and went through the book checking for gaps :) We had circles inside circles too! LOL The look on her face was priceless as she was just so engrossed in what she was doing. It was so cute I just had to share. 
Oh, and she doesn't call Isabella 'Bella' or 'Bubba' anymore. She is now known as 'sister'. So cute to hear with her little lisp too. I remember my little sister Raelene called me "Kid" for years when she was little as she used to wait by the window for her big sisters to get home from school. Mum would always say 'the kids will be home soon' and being in prep I was always the first one home - so she assumed I was 'kid' ! So I was known as 'kid' for years!
21 months old !
Alexandra is quickly nearing 2 !! ARGHHHHH
Photos can be seen HERE.
This month has gone super fast ! mainly because of the count down to Isabella returning to swimming, starting 4yo kindergarten and now dancing lessons. Alexandra takes it all in her stride and enjoys being a part of it all. She hates to leave the kinder room but we have duty later this month so she will revel in it all then.
She finally got her last eye tooth this month - now all we need are 2yo molars ! That tooth did cause her a bit of grief and she was a grumble-bum for a while but it doesn't last long and she is back to her cheeky self. She has the funniest personality... a real character this one! She has us ALL in stitches throughout the day and loves the attention. She just loves to sing... she sings all day long. Her favourite tunes are 'I'll be there" by Human Nature (which sounds a lot like 'IIIIIIII'll be thed') oh dear! She also loves "beautiful" by James Blunt but who doesn't!
Not much else to report on the developmental front. She is talking more and more and using heaps more sentences by the day. My favourite is still 'I love you mama' - awwww! I weaned her off her day breast-feed after the new year and she only has one before bed now.
Although, I am starting to wean her from that too. I think it is time :) She still loves her boobies though so I think it will be a long process, but we will get there. It isn't an issue at all, but I think I am ready.
Alex started swim classes. Although she is really confident in the water and already swims underwater I thought she might benefit. After the first lesson I was a bit put off as she didn't seem to fit into the class as the others were all quite beginners. But the second week was a little better and the teacher realised she could do a bit more than the others so compensated. She swims on her own in a small ring and dives under constantly. A bit scary as times as she will just jump away from you and off she goes. In the bath she frightened me. I was cleaning the vanity while bathing the kids (multi-tasking!) and when I turned around Alex was face down in the water laying there! I ran over and poked her and she span around and sat up and shouted "I DID IT!". Silly bugger scared the life out of me and then continued to go under the water and stay under for 5 or so seconds swimming. Boy oh boy.
We went on a camping trip this month and it was a great success! Not camping in the true sense and roughing it like we used to do pre-children.. but caravan park 'camping' which is just super for kids. We are looking forward to our next getaway now - CAIRNS!!
I really can't wait! We are going for 10 days and staying with my sister who is building a house on the edge of the Daintree Rain Forest....oh how lush! She is pregnant too so I can't wait to see her belly and talk all things baby! My younger sister is returning home from London this month and I am REALLY looking forward to seeing her. She has been gone for over 2 years and hasn't met Alexandra yet!!! So needless to say I am looking forward to having all my 3 sisters together again! It has been too long. Alex is almost at the age that Bella was when she left for London... so it will be a big shock to her to see Isabella all grown up.
Me - well all is well :) I have lost over 15kgs now and slowly but surely I will get to my goal. I don't want to lose it too fast as I have seen the results on other women of rapid weight loss - and all that skin is just not pretty! I would rather be chunky thanks!
Pretty much anything else exciting is all here in my blog :)
Awww so proud!
Isabella had her first dance class yesterday. She has been absolutely busting to go to dancing so she was so excited to finally be going. After much searching I found a dance school that holds a junior class that doesn't clash with kinder or the weekends. The class she does is Jazz / Tap. I really wanted her to do ballet as well but was happy to learn that they teach all the ballet moves and use the terminology the whole time so that is good. As you can see by the pictures Isabella was thrilled to be in her leotard and skirt! Now that I know she enjoys it I have to go and buy some tights, ballet shoes and tap shoes. She just wore her socks and sandals for her first lesson but is now nagging me for her own tap shoes! She really did love it and can't stop doing all the moves she learnt. God help us when she has her tap shoes as our floors are all polished timber....! Might have to buy her a bit of mdf wood panelling to put on the decking so she can practice there. I remember how much I loved my dancing lessons as a child so we are thrilled to be creating some lovely memories for her :) I am really looking forward to her concert now! But I don't want to wish the year away just yet. Alexandra simply loved watching and tried to join in a few times. When we got home she was showing her Daddy all the moves too, kicking her legs in the air and twirling around! She just loves being like her big sister. Here are some pictures of our dancing queen :)

'Big Girl' Kinder
Isabella had her first day at Kindergarten (preschool) today. Well you wouldn't have even known it was her first day. She waltzed on in and hung her bag on her hook. Walked past 3 or so kids and waved 'hi' and went straight to the home corner to play with the babies! She already knows a few children so felt right at home. I stayed for a short while to take some photos and make sure she settled in but as soon as I said we were going she quickly kissed me and Alexandra goodbye and off she went to play! So no dramas at all :) She really revels in the whole routine of kindergarten and has missed that structure over the holidays. I made my first step to primary school enrolments today!
I contacted a local catholic school about 2007 enrolments and now I must say I am rather excited about checking out all the local schools. This school is on the top of my list as it only has 245 students this year and has such a good reputation.
We'll see....!
Last night I went to see the Dusty Springfield musical - DUSTY. All I can say is .... WOW !!! It was brilliant. I have been to a number of stage productions and this would have to be one of my favourite. It was held in the beautiful State Theatre and the set, costumes, orchestra .. well everything was simply amazing. My sister & I bought my mum gold tickets for christmas and chose the best seats in the house for her. Her partner was unable to attend in the end so she asked me to go with her and I was happy she did. I grew up listening to this music so knew all the words and Mum & I bopped along together. Amongst all the excitement and entertainment, it was a very moving show and there was a few tears from the audience. All in all, a FANTASTIC show. I would recommend you go see it, even if you aren't a huge fan. It was well worth every penny and a massive 3 hour show! www.dustythemusical.com Now if only I could get this song out of my head..... "I don't know what it is that makes me love you so...." ARGHHHH :)
Happy Birthday Mum!
And big kisses to Nanny from your girls !
We all love you very much
Kinder & swimming
Isabella had her interview / orientation at her new kindergarten yesterday. As suspected she absolutely loved it. Her new teachers are lovely and Isabella showed a lot of confidence. I think attending 3yo kinder for 5 hours a week last year will make this transition to 'big girl' kinder a lot easier. She does 10 hours a week now (mon & tue morning and wed afternoon). She is also attending with a few friends from her old kinder and playgroup. She spends a lot of time at the children's center now with 3 days at kinder and one day at playgroup.Today it was back to swimming lessons. Isabella was busting to start back again and had learnt a lot more skills over the holidays. It really helped that she copied her friend Matilda swimming when we were away or playing in her pool over the holidays. She is an excellent swimmer so Isabella was following her lead. Her teacher was very impressed :) Alexandra started lessons today for the first time. Even though she has great water skills I thought it only fair that she had lessons. Alex loves swimming by herself and going under the water swimming back and forth to people. I am not sure what to do now as she is miles ahead of the other children in her class who aren't even going under the water yet. I will give it another few weeks and see how it goes. It might be worth while just taking Alex in for a 'play' and let her progress on her own. Isabella is desperate to start dancing lessons this year so we might stop swimming for a while. Just not sure yet! decisions decisions! Oh and I have to start looking at SCHOOLS soon! Arghhh.... when did I become a grown up??