7 Months old
Well our little munchkin is growing up so fast! 7 months has certainly flown.

Fraser has really enjoyed his solids so far. He is now on 2 meals a day which completely satisfies him. How loves all his veggies and fruit – not too keen on tinned baby foods that have meat in them but likes home made meats. He mainly has home made food but still handy to have canned food when we are out. I haven’t really dropped a breastfeed as yet but maybe next month.

He also is sleeping through 11 – 13 hours a night again. Ever since we moved him to his own room and started the solids he has gone back to being a great sleeper. He is also having 3 good naps a day for about 2 – 3 hours each. Nice to be back in a routine which I think helps him. He loves his room – as soon as we walk in there when he is tired he starts sucking his thumb and relaxing on my shoulder as if he is relieved he is going to bed!
He really does remind us a lot of Isabella – she was exactly the same.

Fraser well and truly recognizes us all know. His little face beams when his sisters walk in the room and also when he sees mum or dad. He loves it when Rick puts him at the front window when I get home from picking Belle up from school – he watches us walk in with such a big grin and a little happy dance. He is also recognizing strangers and becoming a bit wary of them.
He still isn’t sitting up on his own – shows no interest at all. He is more than content just playing on his belly and is starting to attempt commando crawling. He sees a toy he wants and has such a determined look on his face, purses his lips and off he goes belly shuffling. He has tried to get up on his toes but doesn’t quite know what to do after that. He has commando crawled once while he was in the nuddy! He also mastered pushing himself backwards in his walker which he just seems so chuffed about.

Apart from his laughing and ‘oohs’ he isn’t really talking much. I do catch him ‘practicing’ his raspberries and changing the shape of his mouth (like he is trying to talk) but he only does that when he thinks no one is looking – he won’t do it for us! He is giving big open mouth kisses now though which is so adorable – except for the pool of drool he can leave behind!
Still no teeth! Everytime I am sure they are coming – they don’t! The gummier the better I say! He loves to hold my finger in his mouth and shake his head to make a squeaky noise against his gums. He thinks that is so fun! Oh and Fraser is completely in love with his talking spiderman baby doll! Loves him!

Ohhh we all just love him to bits – he is so delightful and happy.
You can see all his photos from this month HERE.
He is just soooooo cute!
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