The Bray Clan!

A blog about our family!

Monday, November 05, 2007


Wow! What a difference a month makes in a baby’s life! We have a new baby!

I am not sure what happened but Fraser is now such a happy, content little thing. He no longer cries at every nappy change – in fact loves ‘free-balling’. He now only protests AFTER his bath when we take him out and dry him… well actually he doesn’t like it when Mum fluffs about and covers him in pretty smelling baby stuff!

A few things happened this month which may have contributed to my boy settling right down. I went and saw a Lactation Consultant when he was 6 weeks old and tried a few new things with his feeding position. She seemed to think that I was overfeeding him (which I didn’t think you could do with a breastfed bub, but nonetheless I took it on board). He had gained 700g in 2 weeks so she suggested that I don’t offer him both sides at every feed. She thought that maybe his belly was holding too much milk which was causing all those belly aches and wind pains. Even though he wasn’t throwing up afterward, which usually indicates that he is full, she still suggested just offering one side. So with the new positioning techniques in place and only feeding from one side each time really made a difference. From that day he changed! This woman was now my best friend! She used to be the girl’s MCH nurse so I already had a high opinion of her, but she was like a miracle worker!

I also started Fraser on Infant Gaviscon as he was showing signs of reflux. The colic medicines weren’t helping but after a dose of Gaviscon he was 100% better. He hasn’t been on that regularly but probably twice a day on and off. That seemed to be enough of a dose to help him. I am so grateful that it wasn’t a bad case of reflux though. He still gets it but certainly not as bad.

Fraser also accepted the dummy this month. He doesn’t like it all the time and probably takes it only 30% of the time – usually when he is so tired and on the border of falling asleep. However, he has also found his thumb! So he self-settles quite easily now. I try and put him to bed as much as possible when he is still awake and he usually drifts off to sleep without any intervention. Such a good boy!!!

So throw in the ‘normal’ 6 week unsettled period ending and he is just so good now! He actually slept through NINE HOURS at 7.5 weeks old. Oh boy, did I feel soooo good to have the rest – but oh so sore!! I fed him from one side and then expressed 150ml from the other! And I was still full! He hasn’t slept that mammoth amount since but still goes up to 5-6 hours overnight.

He is just like the girls were now – so content and happy to sit back and watch the world. Such a great, happy baby and I am really so in love!

He is full of smiles too – especially to Isabella! I don’t know what it is about her but as soon as he sees her, his face lights up and he talks away to her and giggles. He does love his sisters – and he does give Alex the same reaction when she isn’t shoving her face into his or smothering him with ‘love’. J

Fraser’s 8 weeks stats are:

Weight – 5450g (12lb)

Length – 57cm (22inches)

Head circ. – 39.5cm

He has a little granuloma in his belly button still that is quite weepy. (It is a small pink lump of cells / extra tissue). Might have to get the doctor to freeze it off if it doesn’t settle or dry out.

He also had his first round of immunisations this month. He was so brave and gave out a cry and then gave the nurses a greaser look – just like his dad!!! He has started with the one eyebrow raising just like his Daddy’s favourite wrestler/ actor – The Rock. It is so cute.

There are more photos from Fraser's 2nd month HERE.

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker