Our camping trip!
Well we set off for the Australia Day long weekend to Wonthaggi to go camping with friends. The photos can all be viewed by clicking HERE. It was such a great 4 days and the kids had an absolute ball! This time we decided to leave our wonderful family tent at home and try out Rick's old family campervan. Well.... this is the campervan he used to go camping in with his family
of 7 when he was a kid. So that gives you some kind of indication as to how old it is! LOL But it was comfortable and functional and was actually quite fun! The girls loved it so much - especially their hidey-beds. The caravan park we stayed at was great. It had it's own pool even though the beach wasn't far away but it is much more practical to have a pool than the beach... ugh all that sand in your bottom! We did venture to the beach but it started to rain. We didn't mind as it was so hot all weekend that it was actually quite pleasant in the rain. The little kids stayed in a shelter and ate biccies while the big kids played. It was fun to kick the footy around and the boys did a bit of snorkelling (or snuffling as Isabella calls it!). We went to Philip Island and visited Amaze'n Things. Moon, Rick & Dwayne all had a turn on the drop slide while us wives all watched and giggled LOL. The kids loved the activities and the maze. We stopped at San Remo for fish n' chips and the kids all played. They were exhausted at the end of each day so we know they had a great time. On the way home we stopped at an animal park and everyone got all close with native animals. Isabella was lucky enough to
pat a Joey still in the pouch! She was thrilled! I got some great photos of the roos and koalas. I have always liked that park (the one with the giant earth worm!) as the animals are always so placid - even the gorgeous dingos. Anyway, a great time was had by all and the company was wonderful! Isabella asked if we can go camping again in 4 more sleeps! Hmmm maybe 4 more months and I will be ready to go again :)
Fairies in the park!
Last weekend we had a trip to the city to see the Fairy pantomime at the Fitzroy Gardens. We went in on the train and Isabella & Erin had a wonderful time. Of course all the children were dressed in their fairy costumes and it was quite cute seeing them all running around the park.
Alexandra had a "Daddy Day" and I think Isabella really enjoyed the quality time with her Mum :) It won't be long until she is at Kinder 3 days a week! Here are some pictures of the Fairy Tree. I remember going to see this on school excursions when I was in Primary School, so it was special taking Isabella to see it. We didn't bother with Captain Cook's Cottage as I don't think she would have been too fussed by that.

Well here are some pictures of one of Alexandra's dreadlocks! As you can see it is a right old mess... she twirled it so much that she actually pulled a bit out that is hanging down. I had to cut this off - along with 3 others :(
Not sure if you can see the missing bits but I am devastated. This just puts her hair growing back even further. Ahhh what can you do - at the end of the day it isn't the worst thing in the world! I just have to make sure she always has pony tails in to contain the twirling zone! Hehehehe
20 months old !
Alexandra has grown up so much. You can view the latest photos by clicking HERE! All of a sudden she is talking a whole lot more and even using sentences. She often comes up to us now and spontaneously says "I love you" - which is simply lovely! She really does waffle on though... and will tell us a great story of which we have no idea what she is on about. But it is so cute her talking and trying out all the sounds and noises she has learnt with new words. Little Miss Independent HAS to feed herself all the time now. I can't even hold her spoon to stir her food or anything or she cracks it. It is great in a way as I can set her up and do other things... but still a bit sad when your baby loses little bits of dependence.
She is still a hair twirler and loves having pony tails in! The other day in the car she twirled her hair so much that it was wrapped tightly around her finger and was stuck. I had to pull over and de-tangle her! Silly kid! I have had to cut knots out a few times now as they were the beginning of little dreadlocks. (Aunty Raelene would be so proud!) We are also being told now when she has wees or poos and Alex will indicate to us when it is coming. Not ready for toilet training just yet but it is good to know that this is happening already. We are going camping in a couple of weeks so weather permitting I will keep her nappy off as much as possible and have the potty close by.
Alex also cut 3 of her eye teeth this month - all within 3 days of each other. She wasn't too happy while they were cutting and night times were often hard for her. But once she was asleep she was ok. The holidays are a big hit for her - she has been sleeping in till anywhere from 9 - 10.30am most mornings. I must say I am quite enjoying it myself!
Blonde for a day
I had a bit of fun creating some new looks on a virtual makeover. Not convinced about being blonde, or the hair do. A bit too high-maintanance for me!
Or what about with blue eyes! Isabella would hate it if I were to get blue contacts. She is so happy we are both 'brown eyed girls'.
Isabella had her 4th birthday party yesterday! It was a great day - I was flat out but the kids seemed to have had a great time. We had over 25 children here ---eek! The theme was fairy & elves and all but a few children dressed up. The boys didn't really wish to partake... hehe But that was ok, the girls certainly looked delightful and it was magical seeing them all running around the yard with their wings and dresses fluttering everywhere! Alexandra looked adorable in her costume and at every opportunity loved showing the parents her outfit - complete with twirling of the skirt and the hair! I made Isabella a Tinkerbell cake and she was so surprised when I showed her. We entertained the kids with pass the parcel, pin the horn on the unicorn, musical chairs and of course a pinata. Well that is another party over and done with... next is Alexandra's second b'day in May. (click on photos to see a larger version)

The article
Here is the article from our paper with my winning entry. (click to enlarge) I was a little surprised to read that some of the article was quoted by me! The judge's comments about my photo on the internet were "A nice, relaxed, laid-back portrait showing the essence of the holidays."I received my camera this week and wow... how flash (no pun intended)! The picture quality is amazing. I just need to purchase a new memory stick as the big one I have for my Kodak doesn't fit. Bugger! I still cannot believe I won. Especially looking at the 70-odd other entries the paper has posted on the website.
I just received a phone call from the Herald-Sun - which is our main newspaper here in Melbourne. I was told I won a photo competition and had won a new Sony 7.2 MP digital camera! WOW! I was thrilled to bits. This is the photo I sent in. The rules stated: The judge will focus on composition, content, technical expertise and ability to capture the holiday spirit.
I explained how I felt this picture captured our holiday spirit of tickles in the grass! Not to mention it was taken on her 4th birthday. The camera looks great too.... and is worth $650. Oh I can't wait to get it and have a play... not to mention see my spunky girl in the paper tomorrow! We were just playing outside and I was taking some impromptu photos of the girls. When I saw this one I loved it so much I thought I would enter the competition. So glad I did!
New Years Eve was quite a big one this year! We had a party at our house with some friends from work. As it was Rick's birthday on New Year's Day and a friend Adrian's birthday on the 30th we also had a joint birthday party. It was a great night - although the 43 degree heat was a bit of a killer. Some midnight madness and water fights certainly helped that. I made the 'boys' a boobie cake and they sure did appreciate it! I love doing novelty cakes and this was no exception!I probably drank a little too much - well actually I definately drank a little too much! But no time for a hangover as we were up cleaning the house early and of course having 2 young children to entertain certainly leaves no time to feel sorry for one self!HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all :)