20 months old !

Alexandra has grown up so much.
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All of a sudden she is talking a whole lot more and even using sentences. She often comes up to us now and spontaneously says "I love you" - which is simply lovely! She really does waffle on though... and will tell us a great story of which we have no idea what she is on about. But it is so cute her talking and trying out all the sounds and noises she has learnt with new words. Little Miss Independent HAS to feed herself all the time now. I can't even hold her spoon to stir her food or anything or she cracks it. It is great in a way as I can set her up and do other things... but still a bit sad when your baby loses little bits of dependence.
She is still a hair twirler and loves having pony tails in! The other day in the car she twirled her hair so much that it was wrapped tightly around her finger and was stuck. I had to pull over and de-tangle her! Silly kid! I have had to cut knots out a few times now as they were the beginning of little dreadlocks. (Aunty Raelene would be so proud!) We are also being told now when she has wees or poos and Alex will indicate to us when it is coming. Not ready for toilet training just yet but it is good to know that this is happening already. We are going camping in a couple of weeks so weather permitting I will keep her nappy off as much as possible and have the potty close by.
Alex also cut 3 of her eye teeth this month - all within 3 days of each other. She wasn't too happy while they were cutting and night times were often hard for her. But once she was asleep she was ok. The holidays are a big hit for her - she has been sleeping in till anywhere from 9 - 10.30am most mornings. I must say I am quite enjoying it myself!
She is growing up so fast! Just adorable!
such a spunk! Love watching her grow and play with her birthday buddy Darcy. Love seeing the differences between the sexes too. Although there is not much difference in their looks!! Well.. except for the 'bits' LOL!!!
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