Square words

Well I got into trouble today from Isabella!
Apparently, I say too many 'square words' like shut-up and stupid! We don't let Isabella say those words, nor do we use them. But when I have my little road rage outbursts in the car (yes, we have all seen that ad!) I get into trouble from Little Miss!
"Muuuuuummmm, you aren't allowed to say square words!" I had just finished calling someone a stupid old fart! OOps!!
And the cheeky possom's attitude is growing nicely :) The other day Rick asked her to clean up her toys, well actually I think he had asked her 3 or 4 times by now and after the 4th time of asking she turned around as said in her best 15yo tone...."Yes your majesty!"
Naturally, it was so hard not to laugh! Oh, and tonight she hurt her wrist climbing up into her castle bed. She said ' my ankle in my hand hurts'. Oh the duffa!! She knows it is called a wrist but obviously was a bit lost for words!

Isabella has finally mastered whistling! She has been practicing so hard for weeks and now that she can do it, she whistles all day long!! The look on her face when she let out her first few whistles were absolutely gorgeous. She was so proud of herself and even happier when she saw how proud we all were. Now she can whistle along to tunes and keep herself amused for hours.
We had another proud moment when I taught her how to play netball. I bought her a netball and an adjustable ring and she loves it. I showed her how to shoot for goals and she perfected the bent knees and throwing with her fingers......and she got some goals! Each time she got a goal she squealed with delight. She thought I was just so cool when I got them in :) I love the way kids look up to you and just think you are the best with things like that. So now she wants to play netball with me all day and 'practice' catching and shooting.

Here are some photos from our visit to my sister's house. Her partner owns this gorgeous eclectic parrot that Isabella was quite fond of. Alexandra wasn't too taken with it though and much preferred the company of the dog.

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