Happy 2nd Birthday Alexandra !

Well, my baby girl is officially a big girl! Today we celebrate her 2nd birthday! My how these past 2 years have flown...it just isn't fair that children have to grow up so fast. Yesterday, we had a party for her with her closest, bestest friends. The theme was "Blues Clues" and apart from the Blues Clues cake we had blue cupcakes, blue jelly, handmade Blues Clues party hats and we asked that all the kids dressed in blue! I am sooo over the colour blue right now! LOL

Alexandra had so much fun - she now has the present opening thing down pat! Gee they are quick to grasp that concept hey!? She was totally spoilt by her friends and family and everytime we mention her birthday she asks for cake! Now at least she is accurate when we ask how old she is and she replies 'TWO". Still trying to learn to hold 2 fingers up though, and when she tries she continues counting her fingers all the way to TEN.

Isabella was a bit put out at all the fun presents Alex received - especially the Dora the Explorer stuff. We are now re-vistiting the whole sharing issue all over again. But I am sure the novelty will wear off soon enough. Alex's favourite gift was her talking 'backpack'. She sings the whole 'backpack' song and Dora theme song now and has mastered the Spanish 'ola!' for hello!
We got Alex some fun things - along with an Elmo Goes to Potty toy. He is just so cute and it might help her toilet train - or at least make it a bit more fun. I also managed to find her a replacement Chad toy. For those of you that know Alex you know how attached she is to her "Chad". I was totally amazed to find another one on the UK ebay and we will give it to Alex shortly when we sing happy birthday to her after dinner.
Anyway - enjoy the pics of Alexandra's birthday party! The hats I made from cardboard for the children, they looked sooo cute! I knew I had very little chance of getting them all wearing them at once for a photo so here are my two modelling them :)

Happy Birthday Alex! Looks like they had a wonderful time and my that cake looks familiar! LOL
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