23 months old !
![]() This month Alexandra got 2 of her 2yo molars. My baby is such a big girl now... With only 2 teeth left to cut then she has all her baby teeth. She is certainly growing into her toddler role just perfectly. Her vocabulary is excellent and I am sure she says more words than Isabella did at this age. But that just comes from having a big sister to copy and talk to all day long I'm sure. Alex's favourite things right now are Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, Dumbo, singing, drawing & colouring in. She is so content to draw and colour-in all day long! She often gets quite meticulous with her colouring and really tries to draw the eyes and mouth of a face. Oh and I just have to brag......she can identify 3 shapes! Circle, square and star. We are working on heart and triangle though :) She really does love to learn and is so proud of herself when we play 'drawing shapes'. Her counting is improving, she can count to 8 all by herself but gets 9 & 10 muddled. Ever so cute! She has been eating all by herself for ages now, but now has proper control of her utensils. She prefers to have a fork with dinner and be like a 'big girl'. Her appetite is admirable! LOL She certainly loves her food - particularly broccoli. So as you can imagine I am making the most of that while it lasts! When we ask Alexandra how old she is, she holds up one finger and says "TWO". We try to tell her she is one but naturally she says two, as it comes after one! Her and Bella have arguments over it...Isabella tells Alex she is one but Alex gets all upset and says "NO, I'm TWO"! Oh dear ![]() Isabella has settled well back into her old kinder. You wouldn't have even known she missed 6 weeks. I am so relieved to be 'back' and in a stand alone kinder. I have noticed a marked difference with her, she doesn't seem to be as 'ratty' as she was after the kinder with the daycare kids. She comes home quite content and less...um...well...ratty! She still has her darling 4yo attitude but what 4yo princess doesn't?? But at least she is coming home and telling me all the things she did that session rather than just 'nothing' or 'playdo'. I was so proud of her, she finally did the 's' in her name the right way! I have helped her along and she usually copies me but when she writes her own name it always had the 's' backwards. I was ever so proud! I think she has been going through a bit of a growth spurt. A few people have made comment that she looks taller and I dare say her pants are getting a bit short! She is also sleeping so much in a day, even requiring day sleeps every 4 or so days to catch up. But then she could just be tired... She has a big schedule for a little person.... Dancing, kinder, playgroup and swimming. She loves her dancing though and works really hard at it. And has lots of fun too :) ![]() The girls have really enjoyed having their Aunty Raelene staying here. It has been great for us all. Alexandra calls her "Aunty Roley" which is ever so cute! She only has 6 weeks left here and Isabella has already spoken of how she will miss her when she goes back to London. We were all supposed to be going on a big family trip to Cairns this month...but Cyclone Larry has caused us to postpone things. My sister's home won't be finished in time now so we moved things back a further 3 weeks. In perspective, at least she has a home! Her car was wrecked by a big tree branch (with hubby in it at the time!) so she is lucky to have a house at all. |
Gerat Pics, Great update and great hair on those kids lol. Cant believe Alex is nearly 2...where did that time go. It's like yesterday i got that very late night or early morning call from you with the news of her arrival lol.
she certainly is such a clever little girl, like a spounge learning so much from her big sister. She is such a character, i just love watching her playing. Now to brace ourselves for those terrible two's :)
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