At 2.....
Alexandra, at 2 years old you:
- weigh 12.5kg
- are 85cm tall
- can fluently count to 10
- know about 100 words
- can speak in 5 -6 word sentences
- are completely in love with your big sister
- get upset when Mummy leaves the house
- happily kiss Daddy goodbye when he leaves the house!
- LOVE having coffee dates with Mummy when Bella is at Kinder
- have mastered tantrums
- sing the alphabet song - with the letters all out of order :)
- know about 5 colours, but still have a bit of trouble matching them up to the right colour lol
- can recognise 5, heart, circle, square and triangle
- sleep on average 15 - 16 hours a day
- love to swim
- have 2 of your 2yo molars
- let mummy & daddy brush your teeth, but like to help too
- enjoy all your vegies - especially broccolli
- love to pose for a camera
- love to sing (you know all the words to everything!!)
- hate having your toe nails clipped
- still love your favourite snuggle toy - Chad
- are completely in love with Dumbo
- still twirl your hair when you are tired
- have never had a haircut (except cutting out knots from twirling!)
- are doing everything your are supposed to be doing developmental wise
- are showing signs of wanting to go to the toilet
- still sleep in your cot - but you are perfectly happy in there and love your own 'space'
- love going to play with your playgroup friends
- bring so much joy to everyone who knows you
Well, it is official.... Alex is no longer a breast fed bub. She had her last feed the week she turned 2 and while I am thrilled I fed her for 2 years, part of me feels a sense of freedom and another part of me is a bit sad! She still asks for 'boobie' and 'moolk' but has lost interest in nursing. I feel a bit odd that it is all over.... in total I breastfed for 3.5 years between the two so it has been a huge part of my life the past 4.5 years! But, cutting those apron strings need to start somewhere .... lol.
Some photos of Alex's 24th month can be seen by clicking here.