Sunday, April 16, 2006
23 months old !
![]() This month Alexandra got 2 of her 2yo molars. My baby is such a big girl now... With only 2 teeth left to cut then she has all her baby teeth. She is certainly growing into her toddler role just perfectly. Her vocabulary is excellent and I am sure she says more words than Isabella did at this age. But that just comes from having a big sister to copy and talk to all day long I'm sure. Alex's favourite things right now are Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, Dumbo, singing, drawing & colouring in. She is so content to draw and colour-in all day long! She often gets quite meticulous with her colouring and really tries to draw the eyes and mouth of a face. Oh and I just have to brag......she can identify 3 shapes! Circle, square and star. We are working on heart and triangle though :) She really does love to learn and is so proud of herself when we play 'drawing shapes'. Her counting is improving, she can count to 8 all by herself but gets 9 & 10 muddled. Ever so cute! She has been eating all by herself for ages now, but now has proper control of her utensils. She prefers to have a fork with dinner and be like a 'big girl'. Her appetite is admirable! LOL She certainly loves her food - particularly broccoli. So as you can imagine I am making the most of that while it lasts! When we ask Alexandra how old she is, she holds up one finger and says "TWO". We try to tell her she is one but naturally she says two, as it comes after one! Her and Bella have arguments over it...Isabella tells Alex she is one but Alex gets all upset and says "NO, I'm TWO"! Oh dear ![]() Isabella has settled well back into her old kinder. You wouldn't have even known she missed 6 weeks. I am so relieved to be 'back' and in a stand alone kinder. I have noticed a marked difference with her, she doesn't seem to be as 'ratty' as she was after the kinder with the daycare kids. She comes home quite content and! She still has her darling 4yo attitude but what 4yo princess doesn't?? But at least she is coming home and telling me all the things she did that session rather than just 'nothing' or 'playdo'. I was so proud of her, she finally did the 's' in her name the right way! I have helped her along and she usually copies me but when she writes her own name it always had the 's' backwards. I was ever so proud! I think she has been going through a bit of a growth spurt. A few people have made comment that she looks taller and I dare say her pants are getting a bit short! She is also sleeping so much in a day, even requiring day sleeps every 4 or so days to catch up. But then she could just be tired... She has a big schedule for a little person.... Dancing, kinder, playgroup and swimming. She loves her dancing though and works really hard at it. And has lots of fun too :) ![]() The girls have really enjoyed having their Aunty Raelene staying here. It has been great for us all. Alexandra calls her "Aunty Roley" which is ever so cute! She only has 6 weeks left here and Isabella has already spoken of how she will miss her when she goes back to London. We were all supposed to be going on a big family trip to Cairns this month...but Cyclone Larry has caused us to postpone things. My sister's home won't be finished in time now so we moved things back a further 3 weeks. In perspective, at least she has a home! Her car was wrecked by a big tree branch (with hubby in it at the time!) so she is lucky to have a house at all. |
Thursday, April 13, 2006
"The best rester"

Tonight over dinner I noticed that Isabella had a smiley stamp on her wrist. I asked her why she had a stamp on her arm and this was our conversation:
Glenda - "How come you have a stamp on your arm Bella?"
Isabella - "Today at kinder, I was the best rester".
G - "The best rester!! That sounds interesting"
I - "Yep, and there were 2 kids who weren't good resters so they didn't get a stamp. They were very naughty"
G - "Oh dear, well I am glad to hear that you were a good rester"
I - "Yep! And I was allowed to rest sitting up. Judy said it was OK that I sat up resting"
G - "Did all the kids have a rest today?"
I - "Yep, we were all so tired, it is a big day when we have to take our lunch. And we had the Easter Bunny visit while we were resting. It was so fun!"
It was just such a cute conversation. She really loves her kindergarten and I am so glad we moved her. Today is their 4 hour session and they normally take their own snacks for morning tea, but on Thursday's the teachers like everyone to bring lunch as well so the children learn how to seperate morning tea from lunch in preperation for school next year. I think it is great and so do the children! Isabella loves having a lunch box full of options and feels like such a big kid having the responsibility to seperate things for morning tea and lunch.
Here are some photos of Isabella after kinder today.

I had a look through another school today. We were 99% sure we were going to send Isabella to a local Catholic School but I thought I would check out some state schools as I didn't want to rule them out. Well, this one blew me away and now we are leaning toward the state school. It has the same amount of kids as the Catholic school but the grounds are about 4 times bigger! They have 2 ovals, 3 seperate play grounds for the different levels, 3 basketball courts / ashphalt area and a whopping full size basketball stadium / gym. Most of the buildings are brand new ( a fire occured 3 years ago) and the others have all been refurnished. They have over 70 computers for the kids - and with only 269 students that is excellent. Anyway, still have a few more schools to look and the benchmark is pretty high. The only thing I didn't like about this school was the colour of the uniform..... BROWN!! eeuuwww! LOL
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
My new do!
Well, after losing just about 20kg I thought I would finally treat myself to a new look. Well actually I didn't treat myself.... my wonderful bestest friends all put in together to give me some cash for my last birthday to get my hair cut and coloured :) (Thanks guys... love ya!) I figured I have no clothes that fit me so I may as well treat myself to a haircut instead of a new wardrobe just yet.

I had a few inches cut off and my hair layered. I love it when it is layered as it is so long and thick... feels like I have lost another 10kg in hair alone!! Hahahaha Then for the first time ever I had foils. I was going to go red instead but thought blonde will be a nice change. My hair is quite moussed up in these photos so still looks a bit wet, but you get the general idea :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006
2 year old molars... already!

Yesterday I discovered Alexandra has not one ... but TWO 2yo molars! The one on the bottom left is already half way out and the one on the bottom left only has one peak poking out. I don't know what made me check for them but I was so surprised to find them. Isabella didn't get her 2yo molars till close to turning 3, and Alexandra isn't 2 for another month.

*sigh* when did my baby grow up?