Oh dear... Won't be long until Alexandra is TWO! Wow...my baby is growing just too fast.
Photos as usual can be viewed here.
This month things have plodded along just nicely. Alex is still talking like a big kid, and using her sentences more and more. Even though her talking is improving I just love the way she says some words.... Rainbow is "bimbo" and drink is "dork". It is so funny when she wears her pyjamas with the rainbow on the front. She goes running out to Daddy pointing at her chest saying "BIMBO Daddy! Look, BIMBO!" Got to love her!!
Her toddler-ism's are coming out now and the usual toddler issues like smacking, pushing and doing the wrong things for attention are well and truly established! Especially at playgroup where there are a lot of toddlers and they are all experimenting their newly found independence on each other! But it comes with the territory and our babies can't stay angels forever! LOL We have been implementing the 'naughty corner' routine and it is proving effective. Alex really hates sitting in the corner and while the minute seems to be the longest minute in history, it seems to work! Her behaviour certainly isn't an issue... But we like to think that the sooner we get on top of things the better. She is generally quite well behaved, especially when we are out so that is a good thing.

It is so lovely to see Bella and Alex playing so well together. They are already each other's best friends and they both love role model playing the best. With Alex often being the 'mum' and Bella the 'baby'. Hahahaa. I have been thinking about Alex's birthday (not long to go!) and was going to make her a Blues Clues cake. But recently she has taken such a huge liking to Dora the Explorer so maybe we will go down that route?
This month I have weaned Alex a bit more. She no longer has a feed before bed every night but it is more like every 3 - 4 nights. While it feels a bit sad, I have finally accepted the fact that my baby is a big girl now. She still loves her boobie but isn't as distraught about missing out at bed time as she used to be. And we now have a new bedtime routine of singing "Shine" on Isabella's bed right before bedtime so that is something she really looks looks forward to....because she gets to sing again! lol
I have decided to continue with Alexandra's swimming lessons, after my reluctance in the beginning. The teacher is accommodating for her level which is good. It is also great for the other kids too as they all copy each other and a couple of mums have made the comment that they prefer Alex goes first so their child copies! They have also affectionately nicknamed her Nemo! LOL But she has fun and that is the main thing. Isabella still enjoys her swimming, but certainly dancing is the biggest hit !

My sister came home from London this month. She has been gone for 2 years so it is simply lovely having her home. Isabella was extremely excited to see her and gave her the biggest welcome home cuddle. Alexandra was just thrilled to have a new person in her life to talk to! LOL We went up to Mum's property in Castlemaine (Country Victoria) for a weekend and the girls had a ball! They loved the animals - especially the ducks, and we spent all weekend in the pool. Being 37 degrees it was a god-send. The girls had some good quality time with Aunty Raelene and Aunty Tina :)
Well my weight loss journey has picked up a little... I have now lost almost 19kg :) I still have a long way to go but I am happy with the progress.