Well Isabella might be ready for school .... but I'm not!
Bella has been having her transition program the past 3 weeks. She has attended 3 x 70 minute sessions and today she attended for 3.5 hours!!

They started at 9.30 and got to experience recess with the current preps and grade 1's, and did a lot of school type stuff (!) till 1 O'clock. When we picked them up all the kids were soooo exhausted! Didn't help that it was 33 degrees, but the rooms are nicely air conditioned.

Today, they also found out their class groups and teacher. She has Miss Mitchell who seems lovely! There are no more than 18 kids in each prep class so we were thrilled with that. The 6 kids from kinder who are all going have been split up - naturally. But it is a bit sad as they are all one big unit!! Well, actually I think the mums are sadder as we are all quite close.
At the end of the day they got a certificate saying they were excellent Boronia Primary School students! It was all very exciting and I was very teary! Not as teary as I was last night at the kinder Xmas concert though!!

Here are some photos... the little girl with glasses was an old friend from another kinder - but she is the only one from her kinder so we didn't want her to feel left out. The school is www.boroniaps.vic.edu.au

We have everything we need now... just need to pick up her books etc prior to Xmas and then get her some socks and school shoes in January. All the preps were given a free brown (eeek!) slouch hat this year too. Don't need to buy anything else as the booklist all come with pencil cases etc. Makes life easy!
Dont they look so grown up in their uniforms, boo hoo lol. I am so excited but so sad at the same time. Its going to be a big year for us all.
Glenda she looks all grown up in her uniform .... Are you wondering where the years have gone now !!!
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