Isabella's BIG day!
Warning: MASSIVE brag ahead! ;)
Isabella had her end of year dance concert last week and I couldn't be any prouder! My baby girl performed brilliantly and didn't show any signs of nerves or stage wobbles... she had the bestest fun!! All year she has been attending dance lessons every week and the kids learnt 2 dance routines - a jazz ballet and a tap number.

The closer we got to the concert the more rigorous the rehearsals were. First we had the dress rehearsal where the costumes were handed out and we all made sure they fit and did what they were supposed to do. This took a few hours and they ran through the whole concert. It was here that the whole school could LEARN and practice their finale. The teacher had a great routine where all the kids were in 4 lines and they changed positions until they finally ended up in 2 circles (one inside the other). Then they moved to individual class lines. The first run through was a bit of a nightmare but all the parents roared when they managed to do it second time around! It looked fantastic and they were so proud of themselves.
Just checking to make sure things are in order!
Then a few days later we had the stage rehearsal and the kids got used to being on the stage. This was fun and Isabella couldn't wait to get up there!
Just checking to make sure things are in order!
Love the pose on her here!! (She is in shorts)

Then the big day arrived and they had 2 concerts on the same day. So as you can imagine Isabella was exhausted!! She loved getting her hair and makeup done... especially the makeup! After each performance she asked me to 'touch up' her lipstick!! (gee I wonder where she gets that from??).

For the first concert I stayed backstage and helped out. We watched a live-feed from the stage so the kids could all see how it was going. Then we had a short break and it was time for the second concert. I left my baby backstage and met up with the family and friends who came to watch. I had so many tears when Isabella came out! All the kids did so well and looked adorable! We really enjoyed it.. and Bella nailed the last bit of her tap routine that she had been practicing at home so hard for months!

Anyway, i just needed to brag and show off my little dancer! She really loves dancing and seems to be a natural! I was so amazed that she learnt 3 routines and still remembers them all when we play the songs at home. Looks like Aunty Debbie and Aunty Raelene will have a little 'performance' to look forward to when they come to Melbourne!!!
You can see all the videos from the rehearsals here and all the photos here. In the tap dance she is the 3rd from the left in the back row to start with. Then you can't miss her as she falls over :)
Ohhhhhhh She looks ADORABLE!!! It brings tears to my eyes to know that i missed her special day especially as i am her life mentor for 'arts and creativity' I was thinking about her 100% on the day though. Well done Bella you are a true little super star!!!! Love you xxxxx
What a STAR you have there !!!
She looks so cute in her costumes :). I can't wait until Sophie can start dance classes ....
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