November Update
Wow... November has always been a crazy month for us, and this one was no exception! It was so busy that I had to have 2 weeks annual leave and a sickie from work! !LOL So prepare for a big blog!!
It started off with my birthday and our 6th wedding anniversary. We went out for dinner with my work friends and then on Melbourne Cup Day we had our annual BBQ complete with cup race sweeps. That was a great day which ended up going into the early evening!
OK, it looks like I am tackling Alex out of the way to get to the cake.....but I'm not!!! LOL She wasn't well that night and I didn't want her breathing all over the choc orange cake! 

I also spent my actual birthday doing Kinder duty! That was great fun! I always love doing kinder duty and now with the days counting down to the end of the year it is going to be sad to say goodbye. The girls were lovely and they both made me a play-do cake complete with decorations and candles. Then they both sang 'happy birthday' to me :)

This month Isabella started her transition program at school. She settled in just fine - just like I knew she would. She was so excited and next week has a 3.5 hour session and she really wants to wear her uniform. On our first day of transition we went to the uniform shop and bought most of her uniform. It is all school specific and I must say even though I detest the brown colour jumper, I do love the tailored school dress! Bella was thrilled to see it came with a matching scrunchie (or 'scrunch' as she calls it).
Isabella and her friend Brihney on their first day of school transition

Just playing on Daddy's bike.....

We saw Rick's niece get married this month. She looked so beautiful and the wedding was a hoot! Throw in some champagne and I was out there on the dance floor bopping away with all the young ones... well I actually still like to say I am part of that 'group'! LOL

Oh big news..... Alexandra is now officially out of day nappies! She toilet trained rather easily I must say and only had a couple of accidents. She is so proud of herself ! She is now at the point where she just goes on her own accord and it so cute finding little wees in her potty when I walk in the bathroom. Funny the things we are proud of as parents hey! I suppose I should be grateful she is no longer carrying a full potty around the house with knickers around her ankles to show me the results of her sitting time!!! Hahaha
Concentration face

Just making sure!
However, we are having the same poo issues as Isabella had at the same age. She won't go in the potty or toilet, but will go and get a nappy from her room and ask me to put it on her when she is absolutely busting. We decided to go with the flow (so to speak!) and not push it. It was very stressful with Isabella for all of us with this issue so we have learnt that it really doesn't matter for now.

Daddy's little helper

We took the kids to the Lilydale Show this year. We decided against the Melbourne Show as we went in last year. Well we all had a good day... it was exhausting but we managed to get home just in time to go to Bella's dress rehearsal. The kids chose a show bag each and they had their face painted.

So apart from all that AND a 5th birthday party (Happy Birthday Matilda!), a first birthday party (Happy Birthday Joss!), our playgroup Christmas Party, a school fete and the dance concert, November was otherwise normal! LOL
You can see how much fun Isabella had at her playgroup christmas party HERE. Can that girl dance or what!?!
Oh one more thing.... Rick came home from the Vic Market with 2 new additions to our family. God only knows what we are going to do with them with 2 rottweilers in the back yard!! But they are cute...! Isabella named hers "Katie" and Alexandra named hers "Hop Up" (she was hoping to hold it!!). She has since named hers "Tigger"!

Excuse the face... Bella had her makeup trial for her dance concert right before this photo was taken
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