Isabella Update

This past month she had her first visit to the dentist. She was so excited and practiced being on the chair and openening her mouth for the dentist. Although, she did keep saying 'Ahhhhh' like she was at the doctor! The checkup went well and the dentist was extrememly happy :) She said her teeth were very clean and there were no signs of dental caries. So unless we have any problems there is no no need to return for another 2 years. Good news!

Her swimming is going great - she went up a level this semester and I asked if she could stay in her current class and just be instructed at a higher level. Reason being is that I am in the water with Alex in her class right after Bella's, and if I swapped Bella it means that the times would clash and I wouldn't get to watch Bella. Anyway, we tried it for a few weeks but the teacher asked me last week if I wouldn't mind putting Bella up into the next class as it was too hard to teach her at a different level. I agreed and apparently she did really well! Her teacher said she was was doing everything the other 2 Goldfish Advanced kids were doing and we made the right choice. I am bummed that I can't watch her anymore but one of the Kinder mums is there at the same time with her boy and keeps and eye on her and reports back :) She also brings her over to the pool I am in with Alex and then we all have a play so that is handy.
Kinder is great! I think I am having more fun this year than Isabella! LOL We are both really going to miss kinder next year, I love the social aspect of it with the other mums, and of course Isabella loves everything about it. She can now write all the numbers - although some of them are back to front ;) Her writing is improving and I can spell out a word now and she will write it. Just needs a bit of help with the letters we don't use very often. She has come a long way in the past 9 months.
We are now on 2 weeks holidays and she is looking forward to The Fairies concert on Monday night!
Dancing lesson have been a huge hit this year! I am so proud of Isabella! At our recent open night the parents got to watch again and I was so proud that she can remember the whole routine to TWO dances!

I can't believe how quickly she is growing up and loving the hair!! She is so cute Glenda.
Ohhh my little Bella Boo is such a big girl now!! Miss her so much. Give her a big cuddle from me and Aaron :)
wow her social activities calendar is better than mine!!! LOL she certainly is just like her mum in that aspect :) And those girls are beautiful, I am sure she will agree in ten years time. NOT!!LOL
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