Alexandra Update

Well out little possum is growing up into a little girl right before our eyes. She is now 2y4m - about the same age Isabella was when we had Alex! Hard to imagine really as all I knew was Isabella all of a sudden seemed so much older as soon as Alex came along and now that Alex is that age I am starting to really pine for another bub! Well, not sure if I had stopped pining at any stage but it seems to be getting worse!
Alex now has all her teeth! She cut her final molar this month and thankfully her teething was a relatively smooth road. Her speech is fantastic and we have funny little conversations with each other now. She is such a parrot and doesn't hesitate to attempt any new or big words. If we can't decipher what she is saying she says in a matter of fact tone 'Nooooo...' and then corrects us with what she meant. Quite funny... !
(little Miss after getting into Mummy's makeup!)
Alex is still in her cot - but she is quite happy to be in there. This month we had one episode of her climbing out! She hasn't really been a climber at all so I was surprised to hear her door handle rattling away when I thought she was asleep. I nervously opened her door to find her standing there looking very sheepish. We discussed turning her cot into a toddler bed that night but ran out of time... and she hasn't climbed out since. So, we think we will keep her in the cot for a while longer while it suits us all! Her swimming is going great! She is so much more confident in the water than Isabella was. She swims by herself underwater from the teacher to me, or between me and Bella, and doesn't hesitate to go under. She loves jumping in from the edge with her torpedo arms above her head! I was so proud of her when she graduated from her class after only being in that level for a semester. She is also busting to do dancing like Isabella. She knows most of the routine of the jazz dance as she watches every week when we go, but some weeks we have to close the door to the studio otherwise I have a hard time getting her out! As soon as she turns 3 she will be joining the class I think. She is so used to doing everything her big sister does, from parties to play dates Alex really thinks she is Bella's twin! LOL

As most of you know Alex LOVES to sing. She likes the ABC song, Happy Birthday and Sing a Rainbow at the moment. I have some video image of her and Bella singing Hi-5's 'Shine'. This is our ritual every night to sing this song... They are pretty big files so when I find an appropriate place to upload them I will share.
Alex has started asking to wear knickers now and although I think she is a little while off toilet training, she is certainly showing signs! She holds her wees in for ages now and can go over an hour without wetting. The past few weeks she has known she needs to go but doesn't quite understand the potty is for actually going to the toilet on, and not just sitting on to read a book ! But tonight she did her first successful wee on the potty! The last time she did that was a fluke at 13 months old. I am nooooo hurry to TT her at all, and have learnt to go at her pace. She was a little freaked out to see her 'efforts' in the potty but with some massive praise from me and her big sister she clapped along. She was so proud she rang Daddy who was driving interstate at the time.
That is pretty much all for the past month or so. Alex had a casting (audition) today for a Kelloggs commercial so wish her luck! I do hope she gets it! How exciting... she did really well but I have learnt that doesn't mean anything.
Awww she is such a big girl now and just so adoreable. But the challenge of her talking now will be to see if she can now say RAELENE and not ROLEY!!! hehehe!Wishing her luck for the kellogs ad too. Love her dearly - as i do all of you xx
So cute and soo clever. I just love her counting too. She is a joy to be around (although I have seen her in a bad mood lol). I am sure she will adapt to a big bed whenever you decide to do it. great update.
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