What a fun month it has been. Fraser has grown so much this month and started to do lots more things. He really loves rolling! And one thing that the girls just didn’t enjoy is tummy time – but Fraser LOVES being on his tummy. He props himself up and watches the world go on around him. He is also holding on to things a lot more now and reaching out for things too.

His aim is getting much better. But everything he gets his hands on goes straight into his mouth! Another thing the girls didn’t do – suck on everything! You would swear he was teething… but of course you can’t predict these things. I thought the same of Isabella at 5 months but she didn’t get her first teeth till 13 months. I love gummy babies so I hope Fraser’s teeth don’t come too early. He spends most of his waking hours gnawing on my fingers so that won’t be lasting too long once the teeth come.

He started to play more in his Jolly Jumper. He is happy just to hang there but once we get going he will copy me and jump about. Cracks himself up he does! Thinks he is very amusing. He has also started covering his face up to get himself off to sleep . Freaked us out the first time he did it!

This month Fraser went for his first swim. We went to a friend’s pool but he HATED it – probably because the water was icy cold so that was a real flop. He only got his toes wet too!

We had a trip to the Emergency Dept this month. Fraser had very high temps that were fluctuating. He didn't have any other symptoms so I wasn't too concerned at all - until we noticed his fontanelle bulging. It was bulging so much that you could see it from across the room. It didn't go away when we sat him up so I thought it safer to go have him checked out. The staff were wonderful and didn't make me feel like an over cautious, over-trained nurse mummy!!
He did have a few nasties growing in his urine, and of course as with most kids, the time it takes to get to the hospital and be seen they come good. The doctors weren't sure why it was bulging so much and because he had no other symptoms weren't too concerned - just stumped! But he was fine and that is the main thing.
We went on our annual family ‘camping’ trip this month. Well – camping has slowly turned into caravanning and now cabin-ing over the years as we continue to breed! Fraser was an absolute gem and I am sure loved the adventure as much as Bella and Alex. We spent a lot of the time in the pool at the park we stayed at and as it was a heated pool, Fraser loved it! He was so content floating around in his swim seat and also didn’t mind going under water. I don’t hold back when it comes to this and have always put the kids under water from a young age. It also seemed to help his conjunctivitis. Poor thing had it pretty bad for a week and took forever to clear up. He kept waking up with his eyes glued shut from all the gunk and you can see in the photos this month and from camping just how sore it looked.

He does like his routine of a good morning sleep and a good afternoon sleep. He has been such a great sleeper but started waking again overnight. It isn’t so bad as he is such a cuddly co-sleeper that he just comes into bed with us and I feed him if he wants it.

Still a happy breastfed bubba.....
More Photos can be seen HERE!