4 Months Old
I can hardly believe it was a year ago that we found out we were expecting! Wow, so much can happen in a year!
What a great month we had! Fraser celebrated his very first Christmas… he of course had no idea what was going on – but the rest of the family did and we had so much fun as a family of 5. We had to put the morning ritual of opening presents on hold half way through as it was all too much for him and he had to go back to bed!
Watching Bella's school xmas concert
Xmas with my Pa

We were very spoiled a few weeks back when Fraser had a 13 hour sleep overnight!! It was great for all of us! But since just after Christmas he started waking up overnight again. We put it down to all the festivities over xmas and New Year’s, and not to mention the heat waves we have been having that has upset his routine. Also, without having to get up for school everyday has surely thrown his routine out of whack. Now that life is slowing down again he has gone back to sleeping through most nights but occasionally will wake for a quick feed.
Playing is so tiring!
Our boy is rolling! He first rolled at 3.5 months with the help of the bottom of the couch or the cot. He was using it as leverage to get over but now right on 4 months old he started rolling on his own. He still gets his arm caught under his belly though and hasn’t quite worked out how to get it up but when we help him it isn’t long until he rolls back onto his back. He is quite proud of himself and look of accomplishment on his face is priceless. He is also quite accomplished at reaching out and holding on to things now. He loves his toys and anything that can be sucked or drooled on is a favourite. Speaking of drool – this boy dribbles more than the Harlem Globe Trotters! (I stole that line from a friend! Sooo fitting though ) I dare say he might be teething but I am still in total denial about my baby growing up so don’t even want to toy with that idea!
WOW I did it!!! What do I do now?
Fraser also started giggling and laughing :) He doesn’t do it much but when he gets on a roll it is the most adorable sound. He is just starting to get ticklish and still doesn’t know whether it feels good or not. Quite an uncertainty about him when he tickle him… but then he might surprise us with a cheeky giggle.
Fraser still sucks his thumb… ok I know, I know… a lot of children suck their thumb! But to me it is still such a novelty as the girls were never into it. I still go ‘awwww’ when he does it! At the moment it is great though as he self-settles so easy! I am sure if he still has this habit in 3 or 4 years time it won’t be such a novel thing! But right now, it is just so cute!
This month saw Fraser move out of his bassinette and into the portacot. I still don’t have the heart to have him in his own room so the portacot by our bed works well. It has a bassinette insert so at least I don’t have to bend down to pick him up. We decided it was time when Rick went in and found Fraser had done a 180 and his head was down where his feet should have been! Clever boy :) He loves his cot though and enjoys playing in there after he wakes during his day sleeps. He also likes to be wrapped / swaddled still… his arms end up out but overnight he likes the swaddle and he stays on his back all night as well.
He didn’t gain much weight at all this month – just 140g ! The MCH Nurse wasn’t too concerned as he was still a good feeder and happy baby. Just need to check his weight in a month or so. His stats at 4 months are:
Weight – 6.3kg (13lb 15oz)
Length – 62.3cm
Head Circ – 43cm
He is in 00 growsuits now but still wears 000 clothing.
More photos of Fraser's 4th month can be seen HERE.
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