Fraser’s first month certainly flew right on by!
Our little ‘Muscles’, as he is affectionately known by, is growing fast! At his 4 week check up he had gained 530 grams in just 11 days! His stats are now:
weight - 4390g (9lb 6oz)
length – 53cm (20.8 inches)
Head circ. – 38.3cm
The Maternal and Child Health Nurse was very happy with his weight gain and everything else is developing as normal. However he does have a hydrocele, which isn’t causing any problems so we just need to keep an eye on it.
Fraser now LOVES his baths. He really settles during and after a bath and loves being on his belly in there too. He is getting used to being naked slowly and probably only screams the house down every second nappy change now J Unfortunately, he has broken out in his ‘milk rash’ and the poor fella is covered in pimples. They look so yucky but I know it is completely normal and will go away soon.
He is starting to follow a sound or an object with his eyes although loses it still and goes cross-eyed! At 3 ½ weeks he gave me his first real smile. They are still few and far between but each day we are getting more and more. He does plenty in his sleep – especially after a feed. But there is nothing more adorable than that first smile right at you.
He is feeding so well and we haven’t had any issues with breastfeeding. I do think that I might be getting a bit of nipple thrush again which is a killer.. but will get right on to treating that. He is still demand fed and will go up to 4 hours between feeds (4 - 5 overnight). Lately though it has been 2 – 3 hours as I think he is having a bit of a growth spurt. He has taken a bottle of water without dramas so hopefully when the time comes to have EBM it won’t be a drama. However, he won’t take a dummy…
Fraser has been quite an unsettled baby so far. To some degree I know it is normal but then he seems to be in quite a bit of pain. So far we put it down to colic but some days he can be rather inconsolable and we beginning to think there might be another underlying cause. The nurse suggested reflux but we need to wait a few more weeks to determine that one correctly. She also put me on to a baby chiropractor to take a look at him as it might be something structural that needs correcting. But we are waiting it out until at least 6 weeks. We have him on some colic relief medicine, which is making a bit of a difference. I think we were quite spoiled with our girls though. Fraser is certainly our most vocal baby! We think he has cried more in his first month than our girls did combined in their first 6 months! But at least he is sleeping – especially overnight. He particularly loves co-sleeping with me in our bed and I love it! He also loves his swing. Motion really settles and long drives are not something I am hesitant to take these days!
The girls are still completely smitten with their little brother! I have the two biggest and bestest helpers anyone could ask for. In fact – they tend to want to help TOO much! Feeding time, bath time and nappy change time seems to be a family affair and seldom do I get to do those things alone. It is nice to see how maternal Isabella and Alexandra are though. There has also been no signs of jealousy from the girls. I wasn’t quite sure how Alex would take to having a younger sibling but she has been great. Just driving me batty with her usual 3yo mischievousness! Bella just seems to have matured so much since having a baby brother. She has also been on school holidays and loves being home with him.
We are really seeing both the girls’ features in Fraser. He has Bella’s colouring, head and eye shape but Alex’s facial features and expressions. He also has Bella’s distinct ‘curly toes’ or crossed toes which she thinks is the best!
Click to play - Fraser's funny bath time noises

glenda, he is beautifl congratulations!
the girls seem to be very proud!!
lee & the girls!
Thanks for the update - he's doing great! I hope the chiro helps with his crying.
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