The Bray Clan!

A blog about our family!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy 6th Birthday Isabella !

Today Isabella celebrated turning 6 !

We started the day opening up presents before heading off to Anakie (Whoop Whoop!) to the
Fairy Park. We had heard great reviews about this place but had never been so Bella decided that is what she wanted to do for her birthday. The girls loved it! It really helped that they knew most of the fairy tales.

They especially loved the Alice in Wonderland display... that is Bella's latest favourite movie. (Personally I think Lewis Carroll was tripping when this was written! )
It was a hot day (34 deg) to be climbing the side of a mountain but we still managed to enjoy ourselves. They girls LOVED the medieval playground.. and so did I! Rick was impressed with the model train display.

There are some great snaps of the kids and the park HERE.

Everyone was so exhausted on the way home.

Aunty Raelene came over with some more presents that evening and we had a small cake and sung happy birthday.

Celebrating with Pa

So our big girl is now six ! It is hard to comprehend all of her achievements in such a short life already. She is now reading and writing, she has lost 2 bottom teeth this year and the two top teeth are almost out! She is so much more confident and her attitude is a lot more daring :) I miss her when she is at school.... so looking forward to some quality time over the school holidays. Isabella asked to have a disco party for her birthday, but seeing as though it was hard to find a suitable venue she decided a roller skating party would be 'cool'. Her party is in early Jan so will post the pictures then :)

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y Sweetheart XXXX

School Photos 2007

Here are Isabella's first school photos! These were taken at the beginning of the year and I just kept forgetting to post them! She looks so little here.

I love the package and the designs that were on offer, however I was a little disappointed that they chose a photo of her with her tongue poking out (thanks to a slight lisp!).
Anyway, she still looks adorable and it matches her kinder photos where her tongue was out in most of them!

I just wanted to share my big girl in her winter uniform. I really hated the brown and yellow so much but we are used to it now. I still thinks she looks like a big bruised banana! LOL But the pinafore is just so cute :) She loves wearing the pinafore more than anything.

Now that we are used to the uniform... it is getting changed!! GRRRR over the next two years it will change to navy blue and a teal (green) shirt! UGH! Think I would rather the brown!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some Christmas happy snaps....

Updates to come shortly! But for now - here are some happy snaps taken around christmas 2007.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


We can hardly believe that our baby is 3 months old already! I knew it would fly by so I have been trying so hard to enjoy every minute of having a little baby for now. Things are going so well with Fraser – we feel so very blessed and super lucky. He is SUCH a good baby now!

I can officially say that he is sleeping through the night. Since just before he was 12 weeks old he started going from 6 hours to 8 hours, and then 10 hours… and now sometimes 12 hours! AWWW! He also sleeps so well during the day. He seems to have his feed/ play / sleep routine down pat and is really easy to get off to sleep. Particularly if we are out and about! Makes shopping so much less stressful :) He usually sleeps most of the day away… probably helps that he can resettle himself now that he found his thumb!

Yes… at about 10 weeks old he spat out the dummy and put his thumb in and hasn’t looked back. It is fantastic!!! I can tell when he starts to get tired too as he brings his hand up to his mouth and sticks out his thumb. The girls never really sucked their thumbs for extended periods so it is just so novel and cute! But more importantly helps him sleep through and I don’t have to worry about losing a dummy or getting up just to put it back in.

Fraser is such a happy baby too… full of smiles and is now starting to try and giggle!! He adores his big sisters – and his face lights up when Isabella gets home from school. He talks away to her like he is catching up on the day’s events. He is also smiling more at Alex – probably because she doesn’t poke him in the eye or stick her finger down his throat so much anymore !

At his 3m1w checkup his stats were:

Weight – 6170 grams (13lb 6oz)

Length – 61.3 cm (51.3 inches)

Head circ – 41.5 cm

He started to attempt rolling – he gets his legs up and then rolls onto his side. That is about it… but I am in NO hurry for this boy to grow up and reach too many milestones so quickly. He is also using more consonants when he ‘talks’ now instead of just ‘oooooo’ all the time. I love how he tries to imitate us when we talk baby talk to him.

He has also started to reach out for the toys hanging above him in his play gym – especially the little mirror :)

Can you tell we are absolutely madly in love?!

More photos from his 3rd month can be seen here.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dance Concert!

Well it was that time of year again when the girls performed in their dance concert.
I was so proud of them both! Isabella has improved so much and has so much fun. Alexandra started lessons earlier this year just before she turned 3 and we couldn't believe how quick she picked up the routine.

Here they are at their dress rehearsal... their tap dance routine was done to a Minnie Mouse song. That is Bella at the front and Alex is behind her - 2 from the left.

Their jazz routine was part of the spook-a-rama finale and they were bats (they don't have their capes on here). Isabella is on the far right and you can't miss Alex!

Here are a mixture of photos from rehearsals, the big day and lessons.

They really love their dancing and have so much fun. Next year Isabella said she wants to try Cheerleading... but we will see.

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker