*sniff* Well my baby girl is now a big, grown up Prep girl!

Isabella was a bit excited on the first morning and couldn't eat her breakfast and had a bit of a tummy ache :)
But when it was time to leave she was fine and couldn't wait to get there. It was so cute seeing all the new preppies in their crisp, oversized uniforms!
We got lots of photos of her and her friends. There were only a couple of kids with tears, but there were a few tears from the mums!!! I at least could blame hormones for my pathetic scene! LOL It actually hit me when Bella put her school shoes on. And then watching her hang her bag up and go into her classroom was a bit emotional for me. All the hubby's were picking on the wives for the tears!

As suspected, Isabella settled in just fine and there were no issues! She gladly found a seat and started some activities and gave me and Rick the biggest cuddles when it was time for us to go... and that was it! Off she went!

Anyway, after coffee with a few of the other mums I headed home and spent the day walking around in circles not quite sure what to do! LOL I turned the iron on at one stage and realised 2 hours later that I forgot about it!
We picked Belle up at 2.30pm and all the kids were soooo exhausted! The teacher said that at 12.30 all the kids started asking if they could go home now!
This was our conversation on the way home:
Me - I am just so excited for you Isabella! You are such a big girl now!
Isabella - But mum you were sad
Me - Why do you say that Belle?
I - Coz you cried...
Me - No, I wasn't upset. Mums just get emotional when they see their babies grow up
I - But I'm not a baby Mum, I a big school girl.
Me - I know darling, but you will always be my baby
I - Muuuuummmm, you just need to let go!
Hmmmmm, I think I have been told!
It is now day 4 and I am still finding it all a bit weird that she has gone for the WHOLE day, every day! I guess being a SAHM you get get used to having your 'baby' around. Boy oh boy have the last 5 years flew past.... I am so grateful that I was able to spend that time with her and be there for all her 'firsts'.

She is now at school from 8.55am till 3.30pm. But until March 12th she has Wednesdays off.
It is now day 4 and I am still finding it all a bit weird that she has gone for the WHOLE day, every day! I guess being a SAHM you get get used to having your 'baby' around. Boy oh boy have the last 5 years flew past.... I am so grateful that I was able to spend that time with her and be there for all her 'firsts'.

She is now at school from 8.55am till 3.30pm. But until March 12th she has Wednesdays off.
And would you believe that just a few days before school started (we were camping) we discovered that Isabella has TWO LOOSE TEETH!!!!! Wahhhh... just to rub salt in the wound!
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