Alex update
**I wrote this back on in January but forgot that is was in my drafts **
It has been a while since I have updated all of Alexandra's antics!
What can I tell you about our cheeky monkey?! Well she still continues to keep us in hysterics all day. She has the funniest, sweetest personality and really is such a joy. I am really looking forward to some one-on-one time with her this year while Isabella is at school. This is 'our' year together before she starts 3yo kinder next year and before I am busy with other things (but more on that another day!)

Alex still continues to emulate her big sister. They get along and play together so nicely most of the time and then it will just 'snap' and everything goes wrong.... ahhhh the memories it brings back from my childhood with my 3 sisters :) I still think she is a 4yo stuck in a 2yo body at times.
She has now been out of day nappies for 3 months and she has taken to wearing knickers so well. We had a huge success today with her poo'ing on the potty for the first time!! Just like Bella she was either waiting for her night nappy or asking for a nappy to be put on so she could poop. She even told me the other day she would give me "Two Dollars" if I gave her a nappy!!! Huh???! I went with it for a while but it was time, and today was the day. And just like Isabella it was very traumatic and big affair. Poor little kid was fretting and sweating and was so scared but finally did it! She was so proud of herself afterward and went and told her "Chad" toy all about it. She knows once she goes again she gets her Bratz doll she has been waiting for :)
Last week she finally went into her big bed! She was so happy in her cot all this time and we kept asking her if she wanted a bed and she kept saying she wanted her cot. So we weren't going to fix something that wasn't broken and while she was happy and content in there, then there was no issue! Anyway, we skipped the toddler bed and went straight to the big bed and she took to it right away. The first night she kept crying out saying she wanted to 'get up now'. But after that there were no hassles and she loves it!

Alex loves to sing! She constantly bursts into song and her latest is "Somewhere over the rainbow" or "Sing a rainbow" with sign language. It is just so cute and she no longer sounds like a drunken sailor but can actually hold a note! Hahahhaaa Here is some video of her singing in the bath.

She is looking forward to starting dance lessons this year. Bella's teacher was happy to take her from the start of the year rather than waiting till she turns 3 in May. We will see how she goes but she almost knows all of last year's routine so I am sure she will be ok! I don't think there is anything Bella does that Alex doesn't want to do! Although, Alex is way more interested in colouring in and drawing than Bella ever was. She sits at the desk for hours at a time and will just colour and draw! Her colouring is so good that I often can't tell the difference between hers and Bella's! Serious! She is now drawing faces, people (well faces with legs and arms), suns, flowers and starting on letters. If she is quiet and we don't know where she is we know to check the desk right away as that seems to be her favourite place.

I love opening the lid and going through all her artwork. I still get a surprise everytime at what she has done! So clever!
She definitly is a sweet little girl. I love watching her and declan play. Such a clever artist and looking very grown up now days. Far too clse to turning 3 ;)
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