Our poor guy has fitted into the ‘third child’ role perfectly. On a daily basis he is dragged all over the place and often plucked out of a warm slumber to drop off one of his sisters at school, kinder, dancing or swimming. He takes it all in his stride though and each time he goes in the capsule he just looks at me as if to say * sigh * ‘Here we go again”.

Fraser started waking overnight again this month. Sometimes every 4 hours but then every 2 hours! Eeek! We rode it out and I just put it down to another growth spurt, plus he has had a bit of a chest cold and a cough which probably hasn’t helped. Later this month he slept in his cot for the first time in his own room. He loved it – and better still we could turn his ceiling fan on full which drowned out the noise from him sisters!!

Fraser started solids at almost 6m old too. We figured the overnight waking could also indicate he was hungry so we started him on rice cereal but he didn’t appear to be ready. So we waited another week and tried again with veggies and he loved them. So far no real issues. One thing he does that is extremely cute … if he finds a particular food yummy then he sticks his thumb in his mouth after each mouthful. It is like he is trying to ‘savor the flavour’. If I give him something he doesn’t like he just spits it out after several facial contortions and gags.

It seems Fraser has inherited his Mummy’s eyes – looks like we have a brown eyed boy J Just another feature that makes him look like Isabella moreso than Alexandra. His eyes still aren’t completely brown but the centers are starting to darken even though the outside are still quite light. Would be nice if he had green eyes – one of each then!

Fraser is rolling all over the place now. He LOVES tummy time – something his sisters never liked. He gets around on his tummy too – not commando crawling but more of a 360deg turn. He would much rather lay on his tummy and play but does roll over and play with toes too – oh and suck on his big toe. I think he loves having 4 options to suck on now!

He still isn’t close to sitting on his own but he is happy enough laying down for now.
He takes a cup of water with no problem and is trying ever so hard to hold it by himself. Just hasn’t worked out that he needs to tip it.

Favourite toy at the moment is mummy’s hair – still! Just like Alex he loves to twirl my hair while he is breastfeeding. And when he isn’t breastfeeding he loves to eat my hair!
At his 6m checkup he still hadn’t gained a lot of weight – only gaining 450g in 2 months (making it a gain of only 590g in 3m). He dropped from the 50th% to the 25th%. The MCH nurse suggested we started him on two meals a day but otherwise he is happy and content. He just isn’t a chubba bub. His stats are:
Weight - 6760g
Length – 63.8cm
HC – 43.5cm
Still wearing 000 / 00 clothes.
More photos of his 6th month can be seen HERE.
Oh and I am starting to get terribly clucky….. arghhh!! When will it ever go away??