The Bray Clan!

A blog about our family!

Monday, September 03, 2007

40 week update

Well today I saw the obstetrician for my 40week checkup. We were due over the weekend but as expected we didn't have our baby by or on our EDD.

Health wise - all is good :) Nothing to worry about there. Bubs isn't measuring overly huge and he anticipated that bubs wouldn't be a big baby. His exact words were 'you have a solid little citizen in there but I would guess no bigger than 8 pounds'. Well, to me that is huge LOL

I asked him to perform an internal so I know what is happening. It appears I am already 2cm dilated and my cervix is nice and thin.... so it could be any time. The good news is that if I want to go back and be induced then they can easily break my waters. But I think I will just let nature do it's course now. I am under strict instructions to get to the hospital asap once labour is established. He said that if my waters break spontaneously I have to 'drop and RUN'. I have a history of super fast labours once my waters have broken... but in saying that - they have never spontaneously ruptured either and had to be done by the doctor. So that made me a little nervous and now I don't want to go far from home. He also sent me off for CTG monitering just to be sure. The HR fluctuated from 140 - 170 but averaged around 162bpm.

Alexandra was a funny little thing. She is convinced she has a baby in her belly too and made sure the midwife doing my monitering was aware of it. Alex told the midwife that it was 'her turn now' to have the moniter on so there she was... on the recliner next to me with a CTG scanner on her belly. She was offered iced water and biccies just like me too!! HEHEHhehee. Oh and she showed the midwives how her baby moved too. They were all in hysterics and welcomed her back anytime!

Isabella got excited as I wasn't there to pick her up from school (I didn't expect to be put on CTG). And when she saw I wasn't there went up to my friend and delightfully screamed 'MUM's HAD HER BABY!'. Apparently, she was let down gently!!
Poor thing... comes into me every morning saying she had a dream I had the baby and checks my belly. The girls are SOOO excited! So is Rick... he is funny! His mum noticed he was a little edgy and nervous over the weekend. Probably used to walking on egg shells around his crabby, moody wife!

Anyway... that is all to report for now. Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later. Been having some funky pains and contractions tonight but nothing like labour yet.


At Tuesday, September 04, 2007 7:21:00 AM, Blogger Kez said...

How exciting!!

Too cute on the girls!


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