The Bray Clan!

A blog about our family!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

LUNAR ECLIPSE - pictures!

For those who missed last night's lunar eclipse - I managed to take a photo for you!!!


And here are the latest belly shots - 39w2d. Can hardly believe that we are about to have a 5th family member any day now. I am STILL in complete denial and don't think I will be able to fathom it until we are holding our baby. Seems like last week we found out.... boy this year has flown.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

MADE IT......

....... to the final!

Thanks to all those who voted last time. Now we need your help again please!!

If you go to or HERE our photo is the second one. They made it with a blue background and yellow dress.

Would really appreciate your vote!

Apparently, if you have access to multiple computers it helps! And also, having multiple users on your own pc means you can also vote more than once. :) Up to you!

Thanks guys.... fingers crossed and will let you know how we go.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Take a guess......

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Hello all!

I have entered one of my photos in a competition. I would love if you could all vote for Isabella's photo. It is still one of my favourite photos I have taken!

The link is here:

and the photo is:

Thanks guys!

Our Update

Hello all!

Well we now only have a month to go! Can you believe it??! I certainly can't that's for sure.

I saw the hospital obstetrician last week at my 34 week checkup and bubs seems to be doing fine. I gave the doctor the letter from my osteopath and she didn't even finish reading it. She just gave me this big sympathetic look and the next thing out of her mouth was talk of induction. You see I have SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) now... yes my pelvis is seperating - YOUCH!! And along with the sacro iliac joint pain (also called Pelvic Girdle Pain) that I have that has been causing the sciatica - I am not in a good place! After she examined my pelvis and nearly sent me jumping through the roof in agony she decided that I need to keep going back to the hospital from herein rather than seeing my usual doctor, and said that next fortnight we can discuss induction. I really don't want to be induced - it isn't like the baby is in any sort of danger. It is purely for my benefit. But I guess I need to be able to function! The pain is quite severe as the day goes on and nothing like feeling your pelvis separate and rub together! Feels like if I sneeze the baby will just fall out - one can only wish! LOL

Anyway, will see how the next few weeks pan out before I even entertain the idea. I am not sure though that her talking of inducing me actually bought home the fact that I AM HAVING A BABY!! You see, I think I really am still in denial!! LOL
She took my GBS swab too - and bubs was measuring spot on for dates.
Some other news that I am a little perturbed about. A few weeks back my GP office gave me my ultrasound films from my dates scan back when I was 8w pregnant. I had a quick look and didn't think much of them until yesterday when I read the report. It said that I had 2 x 3mm cysts on the umbilical cord that were consistent with aneuploidy. I did some searching as I hadn't heard of this term and was shocked to find that it was a chromosomal disorder - more than likely Downs. (Check out Google). I did some further searching and found that a single cyst poses no risk but women with multiple cysts in the first trimester were at a high risk of having a trisomy or Downs baby. So now I am freaking out!

The report went on to say that careful examination at the nuchal translucency scan was needed. But I had this at the hospital and not in the private clinic so how were they to know? I was so mad that no one told me as I would have made sure that the sonographer was to check. As it turns out the scan and relevant screening blood tests said that I was low risk - but still!!! It is too late NOW to do anything about it - but it would have been nice to have the option or at least make sure they re-checked the umbi cord.

So now I am trying really hard not to be freaking out. I will have a chat with the hospital when I see them next week. I am probably making a big deal out of nothing but when it was there in front of me in black and white it was very confronting.

Paranoia has set in - everything this baby does or doesn't do makes me wonder! Even the fact that I haven't felt any hiccups yet and the girls had them all the time by this stage. See.... now I wish I hadn't read that damn report! ARGHHHHH

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker