Friday, March 30, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Ever been this tired??
The other night Rick and I were in the loungeroom watching TV. We heard Isabella get up and go to the loo and just expected her to go back to bed as she always does. We didn't think anymore of it until about 30 or 40 minutes later when Rick found her on the bathroom floor fast asleep.

Poor little munchkin had no idea where she was! When Rick woke her she tried to climb on the toilet to get back into bed (she has a loft bed and has to climb a ladder). It was just too cute!!
The next morning I told her about her antics and showed her the photos and she just cracked up at herself!
Friday, March 16, 2007
A bit about me...
If you go to this website HERE and click the little box in the top right hand corner to switch the view, you can read more! It is so true!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Raelene is home!
My baby sister arrived home from the UK last month - FOR GOOD! It was great meeting her at the airport and causing a big scene :) She loved it too! She was very sad to leave behind her boyfriend of 2 years but Rick tried to make her feel at home by having him sitting at our dining table when she walked in. She loved that!!

Anyway, the girls were thrilled to have "Aunty Rarleeeen" back home and haven't left her alone since!
Here they are with their England shirts on!
Best Listener
Isabella was SO proud when I picked her up from school the day she won the "Best Listener" trophy!
Every few days a different student wins the award for their listening skills in class. I was thrilled when Isabella won it during her second week at school! And so was she. She took it everywhere we went - and even bought it along to the airport when we picked up Aunty Raelene!
Here she is with her trophy!

Now where does one get one of these to keep around the home?????
Camping !
Back in January over the Australia Day long weekend we went camping again. Like last year we went to Wonthaggi with the Finch's and the Bradley's.
It was another fun 4 days and as usual the kids had a ball. They spent most of the day in the swimming pool or riding their bikes up and down the road.
Look at these two! Wonder if they will be doing the same thing in 15 tears time?

Me - well I was hitting prime morning sickness time and felt rather ill most days! I desperately needed a nanna-nap in the afternoons but it was quite difficult to acheive. And poor Emma was a good 5 months pregnant and suffering from a badly sprained ankle so spent the whole time in agony! We were a bundle of laughs!

We did manage to enjoy the views of comet McNaught that passed our galaxy! It was such a spectacular sight and something you don't see every day!
On the way home we stopped off at a homestead for lunch in Castlemead. The kids enjoyed the petting zoo and it was a nice way to wind down before getting home for the big clean up!
More photos from the weekend can be seen here.

Labels: Holidays