The Bray Clan!

A blog about our family!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Our new nephew.... FINALLY!

Well Debbie finally had her baby! Just 12 days late :) This is what she had to say:

Hi Everyone,
Well after a traumatic 18 hour labour my baby boy entered the world. I was induced on Sunday 16th July early in the morning and "Xaviar James Lasserre" was born at 0723 on Monday 17th July. He weighed 3.825kg and was 52.5cm long. He decided to give me a hard time and be malpositioned. He was in a posterior position (head in the wrong widest diameter) which is a difficult birth occurring in 10% of birthing women. It causes prolonged labour and most commonly requires aneasthetic and a caesarean section! Great! It was a true case of Curse of the Midwife! I wanted and was hoping for everything al naturale but ended up with everything under the sun. Basically I spent 17 hours rolling around screaming and grunting like a wilderbeast! The pain and pressure was so intense that I wanted to push at 1cm. But miraculously 18 hours of trauma ended up with me pushing my big boy out. Can't even begin to explain the pain but know that I want be doing that again in a hurry.
So curse of the midwife: I had a crap pregnancy (put on 30kg and felt sick the whole time), I had a traumatic birth (the head was stuck) and now I have mastitis and have been shaking feverishly!
But apart from that my little man is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. He has the most beautiful face and loves to breastfeed. He has a huge breastfeeding mouth, huge hands, huge feet and a huge willy! Everything a man wants! hehehehehe
He sleeps from 3-7 hours at night and is a good baby.

He is now 8 days old and weighs 3.9kg. Baby is very healthy and happy but mum is still walking funny! Well better go, hopefully these antibiotics work and I feel better.
Love to you all and thank you for your well wishes
Debbie, Tim and Xaviar!
So here he is!

My first night in my bed!

My first bath with my Daddy after just being born.

Nappy free time with my Daddy or as my Dad likes to say "Airing the Boys"

oh so cute!

Where is my breast! Ahhhhhh I'm ready!

I want my breast!

The girls are so thrilled to have a new cousin! It is just their 2nd cousin on my side! They have 13 cousins on Rick's side! We can't wait to meet him! I think he looks just like Debbie when she was a baby :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kinder Duty, Parent-Teacher Interviews and Special Helper!

What a big week for Isabella at Kindergarten. Last week she was the "Special Helper" for the whole week. It was her job to help the teachers and do some odd jobs like ringing the bell, taking out the lunch bin, and special helping jobs. She was so proud and got to wear a special badge all week, and was presented with a certificate :) Kids really thrive on that stuff and to see her so proud made us really proud too. I had Kinder duty on Monday and it was great to see how Bella has progressed since last time I was on duty. This time, Alexandra came along and needless to say she loved it too. She really is a 4yo stuck in a 2yo body! She spent most of the morning directing the big kids and then making them cakes out of sand in the cubby. She certainly isn't shy when it comes to things like that and I often find her sticking up for her big sister.

Isabella loves it when I am
on duty - like all the kids do when it is their mum or dad's turn. I took the opportunity to have an interview with the teacher. Last term I missed my appointment so we set it up for when I was on duty. I was thrilled to see the way they document each child's progress. They take photos regularly of the children playing or doing a favourite activity and stick it in a clear pocket folder. By each photo they journal relevant information about their progress, behaviour and efforts. Then at the end of the year we are presented with this great 'Scrapbook' of their pre-school year! I was most impressed, and the teachers love getting feedback - especially from scrapbooking parents!! LOL Anyway, the teacher was really pleased with how Isabella adjusted back into this kinder (after changing centres) and remarked how self sufficient she is. She also plays really well with other children but doesn't particularly enjoy playing with boys. Bella tells me all the time that she doesn't like the boys and her bedroom is even a 'no boys allowed' zone! Completely self directed that one!! She has never really liked rough, loud or confrontational behaviour in big groups and I think some of the boys in her class can be very 'in your face' at times.

Her teacher went on to explain that there are children who are 100% self sufficient and won't ask nor need help, and there are children who constantly require the teacher's help and approval with activities. Isabella is right in the middle :) She plays well by herself and manages to provide for herself, but will ask for help when she really needs it. She was particularly impressed at how well she handles the little boy who has severe autism. She said that Isabella was very patient and understanding with him and was always taking time out to talk to him. There was nothing negative bought up and her teacher ended by saying she is a very sweet, warm, emotional girl who is a delight to be around :) I was so happy with her report. I did bring up how um.... sensitive Isabella is, and just like all the other kids, she isn't like that when Mum isn't around!!! The teacher said that she has never seen that side to Isabella and I was so shocked as Bella is always crying at the smallest of issues at home and at playgroup. I guess that is how she is with Mummy around!

Oh and last week, Isabella read her first word!!! I was the proudest mummy around! She identifies a lot of words and signs (her name, mcdonalds!, etc) but she actually phonetically sounded out a word and spelt!! It was 'room'. She has a sign on her door that says 'Isabella's Room' and she asked me what the bottom word was. So I told her to sound out each letter and she got it! Now she tries to spell everything... cat, bat, hat, cup, mug, etc etc. At least I know she will be ready for school next year - just got to work on me! LOL

I have included some photos of Isabella in her dancing outfit. I am just so proud of her progress in dancing!
The parents don't usually get to watch the kids in their lesson except for one night a term where they have 'open nights'. But the last 2 weeks her teacher has left the door open and I have been sneaking a look! I am just so impressed that Bella can remember 2 dances to 2 different songs! I will have some better photos next week and some video footage as it is open night...but just for now I wanted to share some fun photos :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Last week we got Isabella's kinder photos back. I was really happy with most of them! In a few she has her tongue out...but I realised that the word they make the children say must of had an 's' at the end... and thanks to Isabella's cute little lisp it results with her tongue sticking out :) (to enlarge them just click on them)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

C'mon sister !

My sis is due to have her first baby any day now!!! C'mon Debbie... you can let my little niece or nephew come out out now! July 1st has passed so you get your little extra bonus HAHAHAHAHA.

I am absolutely busting to meet your cherub...finally :)

Good luck with the birth. Hope your midwife colleagues are kind to you :)

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker